Friday, October 3, 2008

Why commies are Super Uncool!

Commies are super uncool because they hate America and we are super kool! Plus, we destroy them in wars. Take Korea and Vietnam as examples. We killed more than twice as many of them as they did us.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Barrel Bros.

Hey guys, it's me, commie h8r. You know what really fights communism? Buying rain barrels from Barrel Bros. Rain Barrels. They are super good with service and they help you conserve water. Commies hate when you conserve water!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Why I H8 Commies!

Commies are the worst enemy of America. We need to send U.S. Army scout snipers into China to take out important military targets to soften up the resistance for when we invade and conquer.